Saturday, February 28, 2009


I'm sick again. EW.

So, this all started last Monday. I was at a Winter Percussion, and the adorable cutie BENNYYY was sick. But he was there. I was feeling absolutely on top of the weather.

That night, I popped in my retainer, which I had not worn in months. The next morning, I woke up with this terrible sore throat. I went downstairs and hoarsely asked for a cough drop. Too bad we didn't have any. :( So I go to school anyways, figuring it'll be okay and the sore throat was probably caused by my retainer somehow.

But that is not the case at all. As the day goes by, I gradually get sicker and sicker. By the time Winter Percussion rolls along, I'm fully out of it and ask if I can go home. Permission granted, but I have no ride home. So I stay at school for another two hours and completely lose it. I turn into a total ditz, walking around absent-mindedly, not hearing half the things people said.

Last week, I stayed home on Wednesday, sixth period on Thursday, Friday. This week, Monday and yesterday.

I got the sore throat again yesterday. I think I've been coughing up blood. Today, my coughs are KILLING ME. BRAGGGGHHH.

But otherwise, I've been bored out of my mind. I'm doing absolutely nothing productive. Last night I watched Titanic. Today I attempted to knit a scarf but got sidetracked. Let's just say I've been listening to a lot of music the last two days.

And so out of boredom, I create this blog. Halalala.

I want to get better soon so I can go ride my bike. But I'm afraid that I'll keel over on the side of the road and cough my final breath. And then NO ONE WILL BE ABLE TO SAVE ME.

So that's why I'm basically under the house arrest equivalent of sickness.

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